简要描述:xona microfluidics神经元细胞培养由两个或三个由微槽连接的腔室组成。这个装置由两个或三个连接着一个很小的微槽隔板的腔室组成。设备一侧的腔室体积大于更一侧,体积的差异形成流体静力学,因此两个腔室形成静水压力,造成液体流动。XONA神经元培养系统—每个设备的总体积约为600微升,这使得研究人员可以少使用在神经元培养中使用的昂贵试剂。
xona microfluidics神经元细胞培养Each box of (5) XonaChips® XC Series includes 1 (2) ml tube of XC Pre-Coat™.
XonaChip® (900 µm microgroove barrier)
Cat.No: XC900
New Plastic Chip!
Optically Transparent
Size: 75 mm x 25mm
Size Equivalent to a Standard Microscope Slide
The New XC900 has a microgroove barrier that is 900 µm in length similar to Xona’s SND900 Silicone Chip. The XC900 is pre-assembled and pre-bonded.
xona microfluidics神经元细胞培养The 900 µm neuron device, with its long microgroove barrier, is suitable for researchers who would like to perform long term experiments while ensuring axonal isolation. In some cultures, after two weeks of growth dendrites may cross the 450 µm barrier thereby necessitating the use of the 900 µm device.
It is also suitable for certain neuronal cultures which grow long processes. Researchers who also wish to make sure they are isolating 100% axons only in the distal chamber may also find the 900 µm device useful. The 900 µm device also offers the benefits of fluidic isolation and culture organization for transport studies.
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